Remember, you can always detach regions, or rebuild to put the outpost in a highly defensible spot.

Trying to have an administrative center in *every* region is a mistake, and not how the game is designed to handled domination. That this is intended is obvious in the design of early war/conquest cultures, in that they buff outposts, some making them impossible to even attach, and also in the design of Expansionist cultures, in that their design allows them to peel away outposts and admin centers not behind walls. CAP changes people’s lives, embodies the spirit of hope, improves communities, and makes America a better place to live. My point being, a great deal of territory can be held with Outposts. The City of Fort Worth’s Community Action Partners (CAP) serves as the Community Action Agency for Tarrant County and provides comprehensive services to economically disadvantaged individuals, families and the elderly. I did take Persians in Classical, because it's a huge map, but I am holding 35 regions with 7 cities (because the first -10 influence per turn is worth the extra city, IMHO), but most of those cities are only 3 regions, with a few being less and few being more. In my current game, after clearing the 3 opponents from my continent by early medieval, I secured the coastlines with cities + admin centers, and then simply used outposts on 14 internal regions to secure the luxury & strategic deposits. How could one governing body control both Honduras and France? The short answer is it can’t.I see where you're coming from, OP, but, IMHO, the problem you're describing is fairly easy to get around with a bit of strategy and long term planning.

Additionally, there are two civics that allow you to gain an additional city to the cap. The Achaemenid Persian LT grants you a +2 to the city cap. The regular way is via various technologies throughout the technology tree which will gradually grant you more cities as you progress. 1 City over cap is always more expensive than. There are a number of ways to increase the city cap. The costs are below vanilla values for cities 2-5 in era 5 and over them in era 6. The cost now scale with era level and are lower at earlier eras. Also changes the influence upkeep for cities over city limit. The City cap tries to emulate that problem. 1 City -10 2 Cities -24 3 Cities -42 4 Cities -64 5 Cities -90-90 is max. It turns out it’s really hard to control that much land, especially without modern technology. There’s a reason European superpowers lost almost all of their colonial holdings. There’s a reason the Huns couldn’t hold all the land they conquered, there’s a reason the Roman Empire didn’t keep growing until it swallowed up the whole world. Expansion can bring an empire tons of money, power, resources… but it also makes governing those lands vastly more complicated. But since there’s no real penalty for expansion in Civ, you’re usually so much more powerful than everyone else that it’s not a real threat. Then, you have an empire that stretches 2 continents, and you’ll realistically only lose that land if another Civ attacks you. In Civ, you can steamroll an entire continent one-by-one, then load up, cross the ocean, and steamroll another continent.

Under Cyrus Shadow, the Achaemenid Persians get their City Cap increased by. It was a bit disappointing! Any insight would be much appreciated.Įven before the game released, Amplitude was stressing the “true to life” feel of the game. Humankind developed by Amplitude Studios is a 4x Strategy game released in. I had already conquered an AI on my starting continent and by the time I founded a few cities in the new continent the culture penalty for being over the cap was very significant and I was unable to continue colonizing the new continent for that reason alone.
#Humankind city cap how to
Just my two cents.Īnyway, does anyone have any recommendations on how to best deal with the culture penalty for being over the city cap? In my most recent game I was the first to discover a new continent. If I’m running away with the game because I played well, I should be able to continue to do that by founding and conquering cities. My understanding is that it maxes out at about 12 if you choose the Persians during the classical era? That seems arbitrary. It seems like there should be late game civics and techs that greatly increase the city cap. I’m enjoying it a lot so far (I’m a long-time Civ player) but I’ve found the city cap system to be a bit frustrating, mostly because of how low it is even late in the game.
#Humankind city cap full
I just finished my fifth or sixth full game.